Work Completed
1. Merged eosin 2.0 rc with Codex.io.
2. Researched the extent to which new features are applicable in EOSC.
3. Improved support for EOSC unit test, added test cases corresponding to the EOSC function.
4. Developed EOSC half-node.
5. Transplanted history_tools to adapt EOSC.
6. Researched the progress of the filecoin project.
Plan for Next Week
1. Merge eosio 2.0 rc to EOSC, test the extent to which new features of eosio 2.0.x are applicable in EOSC.
2. Improve unit test of EOSC and Codex.io.
3. Collate EOSC document system, improve document classification and framework.
4. Develop block header verification node based on the current simple version of the EOSC Light Node.
5. Design and plan Codex.io no Token mode development solution.
6. Research the development plan of Codex.io supporting the national secret algorithms.
Community News
1. The 5th Meeting of EOSC Budgeting Management Committee(EDBS-1) was successfully held, and it will organize IDE development teaching activities.
2. The multi-sig for BP block-missing penalty proposed by forcesphere node was passed, and the proposer and the multi-sig nodes will allocate all accumulated penalty.
3. Coingecko updated the ranking of EOSC, currently ranking 448 in market capitalization.
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Voting Rate: 55.4%