EOSC Weekly Report #83

2 min readMar 24, 2020


Work Completed

1. Merged eosio v2.0.3 to EOSC.

2. Tested block synchronization of EOSC v2.0.3.

3. Sorted out EOSC documentation demands, collated documents under EOSC project.

4. Some nodes updated to EOSC v2.0.3.

5. Compared the differences between eosc and codex golang support libraries, and organized the refactoring solution with the eos-p2p library.

Plan for Next Week

1. Test and fix problems found in EOSC v2.0.3, and test the stability of EOSC v2.0.3 block production.

2. Refactor eosc and codex golang support libraries.

3. Merge EOSC v2.0.4 to eosc.

4. Merge EOSC v1.8.13 to eosc 1.8.x branch, test 1.8.x branch and cooperate with the community to update all nodes.

Community News

1. The 5th Secretariat of EOSC Mainnet held the 2nd regular meeting to discuss issues on compiling the Secretariat’s daily work guide and testing SDK.

2. The Budgeting Committee voted The Budget Proposal for EOSC WeChat Community Moderation through, which has entered the publicity period.

3. The 1st Budgeting Committee of EOSC Mainnet held the 14th regular meeting to discuss issues on adjusting the budget system and sorting out the internal work process.

4. EOSC founder Cyborg attended the AMA event held in EOSC English Community, and answered questions about the development of the public chain that global users care about.

