EOSForce April 2019 Week 2 Development Report 2019.4.8–2019.4.14
Work Completed
1. FORCEIO cross-chain wallet development
2. Implementation of FORCEIO cross-chain economic model tested
3. FORCEIO IBC related operations tested
4. FORCEIO multi-chain projects organized
5. FORCEIO IBC solution documentation organized
6. FORCEIO command-line tools supported IBC related operations
7. EOSForce extending CPU resource model demo tested
8. Bus plug-ins adapted EOSIO and EOSForce
Plan for next week
1. FORCEIO cross-chain economic model implementation testing
2. FORCEIO IBC related operations testing
3. FORCEIO multi-chain project launches the first round of beta testing
4. EOSForce system contract porting
5. EOSForce merges the updates of EOSIO 1.7.x
6. Improve the FORCEIO wallet functionality