EOSForce Mar 2019 Week 3 Development Report 2019.3.18–2019.3.24
Work completed
1. FORCEIO relay chain economic model implementation scheme design and the preliminary framework completed
2. FORCEIO IBC EOSForce sidechain relay contract implemented
3. EOSForce contract development toolset refactored, transferred to https://github.com/eosforce/eosforce.cdt
4. FORCEIO Checker node improved support for Docker
5. FORCEIO relay chain client wallet developed
6. FORCEIO relay chain transaction data storage function implemented
7. EOSForce system contract update completed with the community
8. FORCEIO relay chain transaction contract documentation updated
Plan for next week
1. Implement FORCEIO relay chain economic model
2. EOSForce stable coin model design
3. Improve the FORCEIO Checker node implementation
4. Port FORCEIO IBC solution sidechain relay contract and add support for EOSIO and FORCEIO
5. Refactor FORCEIO partially to reduce the porting costs
6. Complete economic model related functions of FORCEIO relay chain client wallet
7. Build FORCEIO relay chain testnet